Can You Hear Me Podcast

JESSICA COATES-JUDSON chats social media marketing and building your personal brand

May 10, 2022 Holly & Chloe Season 2022 Episode 28

Well, HELLO there...... this week's episode is BIG! As in looooooong, and BIG as in full of so much self marketing gold,  the girls couldn't bring themselves to cut it in two! So, find some quiet time.... or  pop it on when you're going for a long drive and get ready for the gold!

Holly and Chloe even start off the episode with a BIG catchup. Holly brings a little more structure to the pre-chat (much to Chloe's dismay). We get to hear about Holly's exciting video game demo and learn about Chloe's intuitive gut (sounds weird right?!?), and where it has taken her.

Then, the wonderful Jessica Coates-Judson (marketing GURU) joins the ladies on the mic to deliver the gold.  HOLY MOLY!  But first, they chat Pepsi-Max and whether it does or doesn't need lemon and discuss  how Jess got to where she is and why she does what she does (and boy, is she good at what she does).

They chat social media strategy, cleaning up your old stuff,  and what kind of content you should be putting out there .  We find out that Holly and Jess share similarities - cue Jess's top five marketing tips! ...... and then they get into the nitty gritty! They cover the beast that is LinkedIn and a little about the outer platforms - Twitter is not dead!

If you want to check out some of the people (and songs) that were mentioned in this episode hear are the links:

If you want to learn more about, or reach out to, Jess, here is where to find her:

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