Can You Hear Me Podcast

Did You Hear Us So Far...? | VO 'Direction' & Mid Year Wrap Up for 2022

Holly & Chloe Season 2022 Episode 37

This week the girls say 'fare thee well' for a few weeks while they take a little mid-year break. But before they say their goodbyes, they have an episode FULL. OF. LOL'S. Literally. Almost too many lol's. Tune in for the laughing fit of the century as Chloe and Holly attempt to direct each other through a couple of commercial's not to be missed.

The girls also have a brief discussion on 'direction' and share a few examples of some of the direction they have received for voiceover jobs in the past. If you have any hilarious/interesting voiceover direction stories, please reach out and let us know! "One more for safety..."

Please miss us terribly while we're gone, but stay safe and know that we love you and will be back shortly!!

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As always, remember to stay up to date with all things CYHM by joining our socials
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Facebook Discussion Group - Can You Hear Me Discussion Group